Friday, May 31, 2013

"Stirring the Pot" - 04/20/13 - 2 Samuel 2:1-3:5, 23:8-39, I Chronicles 3:1-4, 11:10-47

"Abner called out to Joab, “Are we going to keep killing each other till doomsday? Don’t you know that nothing but bitterness will come from this? How long before you call off your men from chasing their brothers?”   “As God lives,” said Joab, “if you hadn’t spoken up, we’d have kept up the chase until morning!” Then he blew the ram’s horn trumpet and the whole army of Judah stopped in its tracks. They quit chasing Israel and called off the fighting."  (2 Samuel 2:26-28)

Our Abba, He grieves beyond our wildest imagination when His family is torn apart.  satan who enjoys nothing more than sitting back, watching the destruction, occasionally stirring the pot.  At what point is it, in which we have taken a person and dehumanized them?  To the point of not loving them, not forgiving them, hating them?  How is it that we come to the place where we want nothing more than to "kill" them? 

When we take the focus off of Him.  When we stop seeing life as spiritual warfare and take everything personal.  When it becomes all about "me" and not Him.  My way and not His. 

He tells us, "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet" (Matthew 10:14).  Notice - He doesn't instruct us to hate or not forgive.  Just to "shake the dust off your feet".  It may be we are not the ones to reach these particular ones for Him - reminder - He has a huge family!  We are to continue to love them as Christ, to Christ, and pray for them.  Not be caught up in thoughts of revenge, defense, anger, or bitterness.  Those thoughts are doing nothing, but burdening and darkening your soul.  Most likely, the person or persons you are obsessed with, are not even thinking about you.  (I know, how could they not??  Focus on Him, not self.) 

Be the Warrior and Vessel for Him that defies the act of destruction.  Continue to pray for them.  God is bigger than anything and in control of all situations.  It may be a person will never accept His ways, their hearts may remain hard, but do not let yours become the same.  Hate only the act of sin - not the sinner. 

This instruction may sound arrogant, but it is so we don't get sucked into the middle of a tornado of destruction.  There are times we "need" to separate ourselves, when we stand in/on His Truth, from those who do not.  Before we do not see everyone, each one of us, are created in His image.  Everyone, each one of us, He loves and desires to be His.  Everyone, each one of us, He gave His only Son so we may have eternal life.

Everyone, each one of us.

It is also so we do not have the mindset of "killing" others, who He desires to be a part of His family.  We may have to separate, denying the temptation to fall into bitter feelings or animosity towards someone.  So we may leave with peace in our heart and mind and do not take any resentment towards others with us.  In other words, we are not to take anger, hurt, blame, or regret with us when we "shake the dust".   

We may be tempted to be upset when we are rejected, falsely accused or blamed.  We are to leave it there and move on, praying that God will send someone in who does help them see His Truth.  Praying too, that we continue to see His Truth, stand firm in/on it.  To resist the urge of allowing "self" to interject our own twist to His Truth.  Staying firm in His Word daily.  Drinking it in, allowing it to consume our heart, mind, and soul.

No matter how much satan continues to stir the pot, adding his own special ingredients of destruction, we are to leave all thoughts of ill feeling behind and move forward with God's peace in our hearts and mind.  It isn't our responsibility for how a person responds.  It is our responsibility for how "we" respond, not allowing their negativity to remove our focus off of Him or to weigh us down. 

Shake the dust and move on. 

Move on to His next Divine Appointment. 

Focus on His face.  Focus on the many, many blessings He showers upon you, fortifying you. 

Focus on that this is a spiritual battle and we will have times of hurt. 

Focus on the end of your journey and eternal home. 


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