Friday, February 26, 2016

"His Priests" - 02/24/16 - Numbers 3-4

 "anointed priests ordained to serve as priests."(3:3)

 I sit and try to read through blurry eyes. It isn't because of my vision, but the tears which keep welling up, threatening to fall. There are tracks of previous ones, making lines on my cheeks.

It is time.

Time to pack up our bags, do some laundry, little last minute chores and sweep ourselves out the door.

These past two weeks have been a time of making treasured memories to carry within our hearts. Until the next time. Counting already, knowing four months between the next time will have days when my memories will be taken out and looked upon. Memories worn on the edges, faded somewhat from the years.

Distance. Miles. Between us and them.

And ABBA reminds me once more, "He is with them." "Always". They are being used in such valuable ways in this place. They are touching lives for Him. They are part of the team "raising up a child". They are also two of the only "Jesus" some of these children see.

I have watched and draw comfort from the relationships between our Nichalas and Amber with these children and their parents. I have listened these past two weeks of happenings throughout their teaching days, when they were given the opportunity to teach their students "Jesus".

ABBA has shown me, it is my selfishness to want them living in Quincy, sharing our day to day living. To watch and participate the making of memories with them, Adam/Ashley/Charlie/Ella, with our families, with us. He has helped to pry away the fingers grasping them and trying to hold onto them too close. Too close, preventing them from being where and whom He needs them to be.

And I sit and think about how He has taken from Curt and me, two people, through all of ours mistakes and created such a strong Christ loving family. This family in which I am blessed beyond words. A family of "anointed priests ordained to serve as priests."

For that is exactly what we are in Christ. Our High Priest. He given us the position to lead others to Him.

From two people. I stand amazed at all He has done through us. Continuing to do.

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