Thursday, October 06, 2016

"Fruits Of Our Hearts" - Matthew 12:1-21, Mark 3, Luke 6

"One Sabbath, Jesus was strolling with his disciples through a field of ripe grain. Hungry, the disciples were pulling off the heads of grain and munching on them.  Some Pharisees reported them to Jesus: "Your disciples are breaking the Sabbath rules!" Jesus said, "Really?"(Matthew 12:1-3)

"The Pharisees walked out furious, sputtering about how they were going to ruin Jesus.
 Jesus, knowing they were out to get Him, moved on."(Matthew 12:14-15)
Such powerful reading today.  Through Jesus' teaching in Luke of The Beatitudes and also when He speaks of not judging, having a plank in my eye,  I realized there are moments when I am like the Pharisees.  Moments when I will be standing, watching, wrangling The Word of God to suit my own beliefs and not Loving as He Loves us.  Each of us. His Words in Matthew reminded me again, a house divided cannot stand.  We are either for Him or against Him.  
ABBA continually opens my eyes to see some of my actions, while destroying my self, are also trying to ruin Jesus.

That is what I love most about our Jesus. 
No matter what persons have flung against Him, He can not be ruined.

Nor can His followers be ruined when we stand firm in His Truth. 

No matter the Pharisees in our lives, or the moments when we act as they, stand firm "in" Him. 
Take off the rags of filth and put on His Robe of Truth.  of Grace.  of Mercy.  of Forgiveness. 

But be at the ready.  As His Warrior, we will be attacked.  daily.
Our hope and security is knowing He is our ultimate Protector and even when it seems things are out of control, they aren't.
All is in His control.
Remember The Cross. 
So many gave up hope when seeing Christ hanging there, put into the tomb. 

And as always, our ABBA prevailed. 
He conquered death.  He conquered sin.  Our Savior rose from the grave!!!!
Christ went on in Luke, speaking about how a tree is known for its fruit.  Just as what we have in our heart will show through in our actions, words, motives. 
The Truth always comes out of what is in our hearts. 
Throughout Scripture God tells us there is never a time to stop praying for others. 
To stop loving them through Christ - no matter how they are to us.

 Even when a persons heart is exposed and unchanging and our only choice is to move on.
Moving on, yet continually praying someone other than "you" of His family is able to be the Harvester for them.  Moving on and being thankful His "family" is much bigger than just "you".   

Our ABBA has created "you" for a special mission. a special time.  a special place.

Yes, "You".
And sometimes, we discover what that is by packing up and moving on to where He leads us.
Life is all about living through the different seasons in His time.  His way. And Him in our hearts. 

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