Thursday, April 13, 2017

"What Do We Ask?" - 04/13/17 - 1 Kings 3-5

"God said, "What can I give you? Ask."            
"Here's what I want:
Give me a God-listening heart,
discerning the difference between good and evil." (3:5,9)

It isn't in the "stuff" we shall find freedom.
It isn't through another person or even our "self" we will live life to the fullest for Him. 

It is only through and "in" Him that we are able to be completely set free.

It is in our intimate relationship with ABBA.

He offers Himself to each person.
He is there, the same as He is for every one.
As we go through life, what is it we most desire? 

Is it to be Christlike.

Serving Him in every breath we take and release.

 Or is it serving "self",  making life all about us?


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