Saturday, April 27, 2013

"Starved" - 04/07/13 - Ruth 1:1-4:12

God hasn’t quite walked out on us after all! He still loves us, in bad times as well as good!” (2:20)

Looking back, there were many times I felt that God wasn't with me.  I wondered why I was put into certain situations that I had no control over, the treatment I received. 

There were many times I felt totally alone. 

And starved.

Deep down within me there was such a void, such a deep,  deep void. 

I ached because of it. 

Constantly walking down dark paths, trying to fill that void, but I always came away lonelier and hungrier. 

Totally empty - yet filled with sadness.

Since I have begun walking In Him, I know that He was and is always with me.   There was never a time that He wasn't.  The situations I was in, came about because of free will and consequences of that.  It wasn't part of His plan.  It was of the world.  He was there protecting me from things I was completely unaware of.  He desired me to be His. 

I am so aware of Him being with me through all trials, tribulations, joys, sorrows - all of my life.  Since I have become intimate "in" Him, I know without a doubt - I am His.  Those that tell me they don't feel He is with them, I gently try to put their focus back onto Him and off of themselves and the lies of the world. 

We are promised that there is nowhere we are able to go that He isn't able to go also - when we are His. 

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