Sunday, October 06, 2013

"Truth comes out - Always" - 07/30/13 - Jeremiah 2:23-5:19

"But you, God,
    you have an eye for truth, don’t you?" (5:3)

I read this today.


Curt and I were discussing how Abba has removed from me the "need" to defend myself when attacked.  I have realized He defends me, as long as I am walking "in" His Truth. 

What a burden, which has been lifted from me, by recognizing and accepting this.  My Abba is "my" Commander in Chief.  He is in control, even when it looks like the lies are bigger, He will and does prevail.  

There was the moment when I was physically in the midst of being ganged up on with lies , and I could see Him standing before me, facing them, His Hand stretched out to me, telling me, "I've got this".   I heard Him tell say, "enough, no longer do you have to fall victim".  And amazingly, I kept my mouth shut.  There were so many words, running through my mind in retaliation, defending myself, and His Words came in louder.  "Pearls before swine".  He helped me realize, nothing I said would be heard, even words of Truth. 

It is amazing how "fighting" this warfare, utilizing His way, has changed my heart.  By doing so, I am not wallowing in self pity.   The lies and blame game strategy are even laughable.  Thankfully, I am not in a self-righteous way, just dumbfounded.  Dumbfounded that I once fell under the spell and thought I had to defend myself from such outlandish lies. 

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

In choosing to do this, it frees me in being able to focus on Him, not myself.  To continue being a vessel for Him, allowing Him to use me to touch others, making disciples "as I live".   Looking back at the times I was "defending" myself, I was sinking in quicksand.  I was allowing myself to believe the lies of satan, that I could do it myself - I didn't have a strong foundation. 

I pray I will continue seeing life through His eyes.  I pray I will continue to keep my mouth shut and let Him prevail. 

"But you, God,
    you have an eye for truth, don’t you?"

I am learning, He doesn't need my help to have Truth come out. 


NJ @ A Cookie Before Dinner said...

I think there are so many times when it is so much wiser to hold our tongue than to defend ourselves!

deby said...

so true! He is so perfect and my words often cause more of a mess!