Thursday, January 16, 2014

"My Constant" - 01/16/14 - Genesis 12-15

"All the families of the Earth will be blessed through you." (12:3)

Snow sneaked in during the night! 
Snow, wonderful snow. Picture off of front porch.

Looking out the window this morning, I was thinking how different it is from when I was young.  We experienced snow which took forever to melt, measuring feet, rather than inches. 

Funny how things change with time.  How places we revisit from childhood always seem "so much smaller"!  How our bodies, minds, thoughts, reactions, actions are also in continual change.  Life. 

That is why I am so thankful for the one constant, never changing, steadfast, in my life.  ABBA.  Everything about Him - I depend on. 

That is why I drink in His Word each morning, for evil has a way of sneaking in during the night.

During anytime. 

Reading about Abraham this morning and realizing the Words ABBA spoke to him, my family is living proof of His Truth.  "All the families of the Earth will be blessed through you." (12:3) 

All these hundreds of years later.

I really do not believe there is any greater joy or peace, knowing those I love so dearly are His.  Knowing those He has given me to be their wife or mom, mom-in-law, those who are a piece of my heart - they are His.  And the security in knowing this, gives me the gift of our future family generations being blessed too. 

All it took was accepting Christ and living for Him.  Blessed.

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