Friday, January 16, 2015

"Don't Be Afraid" - 01/16/15 - Genesis 12-15

"Don't be afraid, Abram. I'm your shield. Your reward will be grand!"(15:1)

More than 75 years old, asked by God to uproot and not know where he was going.  Surrounded by pagans, strangers and still accumulated great wealth. 

He did it though.  He followed God. 

I love  how The Word personalizes this account for us.  Even though Abram was following God's instructions, most of them anyway, was well provided for, had one on one communication with God, he was still afraid.

Even the strongest have fear. 

Even our Christ in The Garden had fear. 

Fear is a good thing - if we turn to Him for safety.  for comfort.  for strength. 

He is our shield.  At all times.  In all places. 

The reward we receive from ABBA for following Him isn't about the material things of this life.  It's all about the eternity.  With Him.  Forever.  Face to face. 

Fear shows how much we need Him. 

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