Friday, June 05, 2015

"Fruits" - 06/05/15 - 156 - Proverbs 7-9

It's through me, Lady Wisdom, that your life deepens, and the years of your life ripen.  Live wisely and wisdom will permeate your life (9:11-12)

Some years ago, it was while sitting in the service, the casket in the front of the room, hearing the words of the minister, this feeling came over me and hasn't left.  It was another moment of a vivid reminder all of us will die. 

And how am I using my life?  What will I be leaving behind? 

What will be my legacy?

"your life deepens"

"and the years of your life ripen" 

"will permeate your life"

I love these words.  Knowing through His Love Letter, The Bible, we receive the gift of Wisdom.  I love how He has given me the true drink of living.  How He has quenched my thirst, and no longer am I wandering on this journey, but headed with purpose on the path to Him.  With Him. 

You are able to tell much about a person at their funerals by their fruits.  By the relationships we are able to look in on.  To those whom ABBA was  their life, in their fruits I see the delight of life, even through the sorrows, it shows in their smiles.  Smiles which come from their hearts, light up their eyes, and spread joy to those around them.  Even in their grief.  They never lose the hope.  the peace.  the joy. 

 I came away with questions of what kind of woman am I.  What memories and tools am I handing down.  Do I delight in life?  Does my fruit show this too? 

I came away knowing my ABBA is my Father.  The perfect Father.  He has given me the gift of Wisdom - one of the many perfect tools. 

I came away knowing what a legacy He has given me. 

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