Monday, June 22, 2015

"My Bestest" - 06/22/15 - 1 Kings 12-14

"Please entreat the LORD your God, and pray for me" (13:6)

Just as the Queen of Sheba asked Solomon to speak to "his" God for her, king Jeroboam missed the boat as well when asking the man of God from Judah, "Please entreat the LORD your God, and pray for me".

I will never return back to the life in which I didn't communicate with our ABBA on a daily, moment to moment, way of living.  I will never return back to that place where He wasn't my "bestest friend". 


Because living with Him as I do now offers so much more.


Last night we were surprised with the early arrival of our Nichalas/Amber.  Nichalas actually snuck into the house while we sat unaware.  There was much delight when Curt looked up to see him there.  I know, it sounds like we have lost our senses, but in our defense, the fans are running and we hadn't checked the doors before retiring for bed. It makes me smile knowing our ABBA was sharing that delight and joy of their homecoming.  Of the way we like to make each other smile and laugh. It blesses my heart knowing He is with them every step they take and looked forward to our reunion last night.  I love how He is also their "bestest friend" as well. 

Each and every day I lift up those I love to our ABBA.  Asking them to be used for Him and His glory.  It's a prayer of Faith, for I know not how they will be used.  It's a prayer of Trust, for I would rather be sharing daily living with everyone instead of a few days here and there.

Each and every day I communicate with my ABBA.  I share my heart.  my joys.  my concerns.  my fears.  I delight in sharing with Him.  I know - without doubt - He so desires all of me to be His.  I know - without doubt - He is always there waiting eagerly for me to share "me" with Him.

Recently, a part of my heart has discovered she has breast cancer.  I couldn't imagine going to another and asking them to pray to "their God" because I felt I couldn't.  She shares the same relationship with Him and knows, there is power in prayer from His children.   

We can't comprehend the full extent of the gift He has given us in being able to go before Him and be with Him.  To have The Creator of all, The Holy Spirit,  living within us through the gift of our Savior. 

What a thought.  Knowing our ABBA, THE LORD of Lord's is waiting.  is watching.  is sharing.  is delighting.  is totally - head over heels in love with each of us.  Each of us.

He wants only to be "our" God.  "our" bestest friend.


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