Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"His Beautiful One" - 09/29/15 - Luke 1, John 1:1-14

Good morning! You're beautiful with God's beauty, Beautiful inside and out! God be with you.
(Luke 1:28)

He has been convicting me of the way I speak of myself. 

Not only to Him, others, but to myself when referring to "me".

The way I cut myself down when looking at photos, my reflection. He is listening to every word and thought I have and most of them in reference to "me" is unkind. Not only unkind, but without grace and mercy. I am my worst critic.  I would never dream of speaking to another as I do to "me".   He has opened my eyes to how often I take the blessings He gives me through the words of others and dash it to the ground because I don't see myself as He and others do. 

How often are all of us harder on ourselves than anyone else?  How often do we choose to view "me" through the distorted lens of self, basing our standards on the world view?
Every time I am tearing apart "me", is actually an attack on God and others. With Curt I am saying he doesn't have very good taste when it comes to whom he is sharing his heart with.  Every time I tear myself down in regard to my role as a mom, mom-in-law, family, friend, I am saying those who hold me dear haven't very good judgment.  I am saying their words of love, praise, compliments, are lies.   I am saying they aren't very good managers of time when thinking there are better ways to invest than in "me".  When I see the delight in ones eyes upon seeing "me", I immediately wonder why ever do they desire to be with "me" and in a sense reject their greeting.

What I am doing to those ABBA has placed into my life is on such a small scale to what I am doing to my ABBA. 
 He created me. I am made in His image.

He has surrounded me by so many who see me as He does, and I am being a hypocrite. Why is it so easy to see others as beautiful and not ourselves? Why is it so easy to encourage others in seeing themselves as He does, and not take our own advice? Why is it so easy to believe His Word applies to others and so hard when applying it to ourselves?  When He says many times throughout His Word, "You - are beautiful", we bend down to pick up doubt?    Why is it so hard to believe when others say we are beautiful?

These are just a few of the words spoken to Mary from God through Gabriel.  He didn't have to say these, but He knew what was coming.  He knew this young teen child/woman would be coming up on some moments of self doubt.  Of criticism from others and probably herself.  He knew there were moments ahead when the world would look at her as "ugly".  He knew there were moments when she would look at herself as "ugly".  He knew she needed to know, to hear, to focus on His Truth.

Just as our ABBA has placed each and every word in His Word.  He knows there are times we need to pull it from within our hearts and cover ourselves in it.  He knows the road we walk through this world will bring on many attacks. 

He knows each and every second we need to know, hear, and believe when He says,

"Good morning! You're beautiful with God's beauty, Beautiful inside and out! God be with you."

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