Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"Ready. Set. Go." - 09/23/15 - Ezra 7-10

"My God was on my side and I was ready to go"(7:28)

Nichalas and I were discussing our will the other day.  He and Amber have decided if anything should happen to Curt or I, her parents, they would move home to help out.  Our conversation then turned to being ready to move and how stuff, obligations, can slow you down.  There is a show I enjoy, "Tiny House Nation".  If we didn't use our home for ABBA through hosting Bible studies, having persons stay with us when they need to, or the business, this way of living very much appeals to me (Curt though - not at all lol). 

The older I am becoming, the less stuff I desire to have around me.  It used to be where I had our walls, surfaces, displaying different items, now there is a lot of bare space.  During the winter down months, I like to go through, organizing the home, ridding it of even more stuff.  Stuff I don't use or no longer want to take care of.  ABBA has transformed our hearts to ridding our lives of debt, rather than accumulating it by buying more stuff.  We utilize the original 1977 kitchen with its beautiful avocado green stove and all.  It would be so easy to transform it into a 2015,  but we want to get the home paid off before that takes place.  And mostly any remodeling is to up the value of the home for the day when we have to move and sell.  I try to have the office work up-to-date, as well as other areas in our life.  Not there completely, but closer than I used to be. 

I am striving to live as though I will be taken "Home" at any time. 

It is my goal to have the home/business side of things taken care of, so if I do go first, Curt, Adam, Nichalas, Amber and future family, are able to focus on each other, not wading through mountains of stuff.  In His way of  changing my way of living, He  has given me such a freedom.  There isn't the heavy weight of "stuff" pulling me down, occupying my time, keeping me from being "at the ready".

I am coming to the place where my heart is much like the homes in "Tiny House Nation". 

It carries only what ABBA wants me to have. 

There are still times I pick up things of the world and try to insert it into a nook or cranny, thinking it won't matter.  But before I know it, it has expanded and overflowed into other areas of my heart.  He is having me see through His eyes, the things of this world can not take up residency within a heart of Him.  He is also opening my eyes to see the "bargains" of this world aren't the "great deal" after all.  

They end up costing more than you can imagine. 

It amazes me when seeing a tiny home completed, how much they have incorporated into them.  Everything is in its place, multipurpose, and easily packed up and ready to go.  This is how I want my heart and my life to be. 

Full of Him. 

The gifts and talents He has blessed me with - to be used for Him.  To be at the ready, to get out of my comfort zone and go out to where He leads me.  Needs me to be.  Go.  Do. 

I desire my "tiny heart" will be "huge in Him". 
For Him. 
At the ready. 
"Ready to go." Always.

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