Thursday, August 10, 2017

"Still" - 08/10/17 - Job 17-20

 "Still, I know that God lives." (19:24)

This verse is where I fell in love with Job.

After all the pain, suffering, abandonment he was going through.
he believed.

 In my life, as I come across the elements of living, be it the joy of the rainbow during a rain storm, the bone chilling wind that sweeps across my path during a time when I am trying to keep my balance on the slippery ice.  My parched, dry throat while I wander through the desert, or the softness of the grass against my skin, as I lay down beside the still waters.  The way my eyes strain to see the end of the horizon, the end of the universe through the stars, as I stand on the mountain tops.  The way I feel when I am running through the meadow of life with Him, dancing with the butterflies, dipping our toes into the cool stream of water.  Swinging over and letting go of the rope as we fall into the deep, blue green waters.  The sounds of laughter as it tickles my ears.  The cleansing of my soul as tears fall from my eyes.

Do I
in all of living -

 He desires and commands us in many ways to be "still". 
It is by being "still In Him", then - only then -
are we are able to truly Love as He Loves -
unconditionally and without expectations. 
To have our feet firmly planted
in His "still" foundation.  
True living for Him only works when we are completely
in Him.

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