Sunday, October 01, 2017

"Training Up" - 10/01/17 - 2 Chronicles 22-24

"his mother training him in evil ways"(22:3)

After picking up Charles and Ella the other day, we stopped by Wendy's for a bite to eat.  Sitting at the table with our meal before us, holding hands, my heart smiled as I listened to Charles say a prayer for our food.  I asked them if they talk to our ABBA often throughout the day.  Both of them didn't hesitate and proceeded to tell me "conversations" they have with Him.  I love how they speak of our ABBA.  How they see Him as "real" and there with us, around us, everywhere.  How He is an essential part of their lives and beings.  At the young age of seven and four.  I love listening to these little Warriors and think about all they continue doing for The Kingdom Come with their lives.  I love how Adam, Ashley, family and His family are training them up in the goodness of our ABBA. 

I know there is nothing more the world and satan enjoy than for us to pick up doubt and run with it. 

There are times when looking back, I begin to focus more on the things I did incorrectly than what I did right in regard to being a mom. or a wife. or a Christian. or any other role I have been given.  But it is as the role of "mama" I tear myself down the most.

And then ABBA reminds me - I did do the most important thing as a mom. I introduced and trained up our sons to intimately know our ABBA.

Ashley and I were once discussing how we both feel we are "never good enough".

And it is true.  We will never be "good enough". 

This is why we need our Savior.  This is why we need His Grace and Mercy. That is why we need The Holy Spirit.  His Word.  His family.  That is why we need our ABBA and His unconditional LOVE.

satan wants us to recognize we will never be "good enough" and lose faith.  he wants us to feel hopeless in any situation.  to feel beat up.  trapped with no way out.  he wants to destroy us.

Our ABBA on the other hand.

He wants to fulfill us in areas we are not "good enough".  to build us up.  to give us hope.  courage. and joy.  He wants to complete us.  For it is only "in" Him, through Him, by Him that we become. 

Good enough.

I continually praise our ABBA for being so much bigger than all - yes all - of my "not being good enough".

How our ABBA so blesses. 
I am so thankful He is in complete control.

As we walk through this journey, He has put each of us into the lives of others, giving us the gift of training up someone or someones.  Be it for a season or a lifetime.  I am praying we are training them up for Him.  So all will become "good enough" in Him.

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