Tuesday, June 21, 2016

"Pomegranates" - 06/21/16 - 2 Chronicles 10-12

"But the final verdict on Rehoboam was that he was a bad king - God was not important to him; his heart neither cared for nor sought after God."(12:14)

"The only time I've thought, "Wow, maybe there is a god,' was when I saw an exhibition of spectacularly gorgeous minerals from the bowels of the earth."
"The acclaimed actress speaks her mind on sex, love, solitude,- and her passion for pomegranates."
Helen Mirren

"Passion for pomegranates". 

I can remember how the sadness came upon me after putting the magazine down.  For a number of years I enjoyed her acting talents, but now all I can think of when she comes to mind is how very sad to live life without ABBA as the center. 

How sad to not even acknowledge "maybe there is a god", when all about us is miracle after miracle, proof of His Awesomeness. 

 Perhaps I feel such a sadness because it reminds me of when I lived in such a way.  When my "passion" was for self and this world, "for pomegranates".  So pathetic.  So empty. 

So lost.
There are so many going about life this way.

While reading The Scriptures these past few days, accounts of all the wars, the sin infested ways of the people, reminding me much of our world today.  And only because ABBA has transformed my heart am I able to be filled with sorrow, compassion, instead of self-righteousness. 

Thinking back through my life, I am able to pinpoint certain persons who I know continually prayed for me.  I am able to remember older women in the church who were vessels and examples of our Christ.  Men of God come to mind in the spiritual examples of ABBA's Holy Love.  For all of them I am thankful, even though it is only in looking back I am able to see what I didn't see then - a lifeline to my ABBA. 

I pray He uses all of His children the same way.  I pray we are to a lifeline to Him for those who are lost.  Those who are searching.  Those who are unaware of Him. 
I pray when we are seen, it is Jesus they are looking at.  Living as His vessels.

I pray for all whom He has touched through those living for Him - the complete opposite of this verse  "But the final verdict on Rehoboam was that he was a bad king - God was not important to him; his heart neither cared for nor sought after God.(12:14)

I pray the sadness never leaves us, so we may not lose the urgency or compassion for those who are not "in" our ABBA.
For those whose "Passion is for pomegranates". 

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