Tuesday, June 28, 2016

"Watching" - 06/28/16 - 2 Kings 1-4

"Your life repeated in my life. I want to be a holy man just like you." "That's a hard one!" said Elijah. "But if you're watching when I'm taken from you, you'll get what you've asked for. But only if you're watching." And so it happened. " (2:9-11)

How I desire for me to become Christlike.
 How I beg ABBA to transform my heart so I am not seen,
but He is.

Each day I pray -
Less of me to be more of Him.

Three times Elisha said, "Not on your life! I'm not letting you out of my sight!" (2:2)

Do I have this same commitment, this same drive, this same desire as Elisha?
 Or do I let myself take focus off of my Christ and look elsewhere?
 Do I allow self.   or someone.   or something else.   become my Love Idol?

It is only by watching Christ with all we are that we are able to become like Him.
Anything.  Any Thing.   
Anything else we absorb into ourselves will filter through to our fruits.
I am humbled knowing when I  do fail, His grace and mercy covers me.  I am Forgiven.
The Holy Spirit, His Word, refortify and transform us. I am Redeemed.
All are made in His image.  
"We" are working on getting rid of the extras I have chosen to add to His image. 
As Elisha with Elijah - I am not letting my ABBA out of my sight.

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