Thursday, September 29, 2016

"Hand Chosen" - 09/29/16 - Matthew 1, Luke 2:1-38

"Then Joseph woke up. He did exactly what God's angel commanded in the dream"(Matthew 1:24)

I love watching Adam with Charlie and Ella.  I love seeing how they have become part of his heart and life, even though they aren't his through blood.  I love knowing they are his through love and that they are a gift from our ABBA.  I love how much richer his life, and all others these two little ones touch, have become.  I love seeing how complete he is in being a husband and daddy.  I love how he has become the spiritual leader in his family of four, raising them up to know our ABBA.  Walking beside Ashley, as they are training up future Warriors for Him. 

There are many persons whom God has allowed to be a parent.  It breaks my heart when seeing those who elect to allow themselves to be a priority over their child.  Or children.  How thankful I am there are many others though, who elect to sacrifice and give of themselves, as they love these children.  As our Adam is doing with these two precious gifts. 


You know, I've often wondered about Joseph. 

Joseph.  The man who was hand chosen to help raise our Savior.  The man who would be there from the moment of conception, to love and guide our Savior.  A child not of his blood, but that of his heart.  The man who would have our Savior as His stepson. 

What character traits did our Savior glean from him.  How did they interact. Their relationship. Did they ever wrestle.  What did they build together.  Discuss deep and serious things,  Did Mary confide in Joseph things in her heart, causing Joseph to protect his "stepson" even more.  Did he ever stand and look at our Savior, his heart in his throat, knowing.  Seeing our ABBA in the face of his stepson.  What it was like to love our Jesus throughout those growing years. 

There isn't much written about him for us to know.  He is from the family tree of Abraham.  He is a carpenter.  We don't know about his finances, social status, what kind of donkey he rode, what he did in his spare time. 

We do know He was a man of God. 
He was hand chosen by God, just as Mary was, to be in the role of parent to our Savior. 

He was so loved, trusted, approved by God.  ABBA wouldn't place the care of His only Beloved Son in just anyone's hands.

His heart was one that desired to please God. 
No matter what.

It was a time when a woman who became pregnant before being married was to be stoned.  Joseph could have easily went this route, instead "Joseph, chagrined but noble, determined to take care of things quietly so Mary would not be disgraced. While he was trying to figure a way out, he had a dream. (1:19,20)

No matter the consequences, "he did exactly" what he was commanded.

How often are we as Joseph?  How often do we allow other factors to surpass what our ABBA has instructed us to do? 

For we too are so loved, trusted, approved by God for His work. 
Hand chosen to love as He loves.

Even though there aren't many words about him, I learn so much from Joseph. 

He didn't consider what was in it for himself. 
He was all about how he could be used for the glory of ABBA. 

No matter the consequences.

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