Monday, September 19, 2016

"Shine! Shimmer! Glow!" - 09/19/16 - Zechariah 8-14

"Then God will come into view, His arrows flashing like lightning! Master God will blast His trumpet and set out in a whirlwind. God-of-the-Angel-Armies will protect them - all-out war, The war to end all wars, no holds barred.  Their God will save the day. He'll rescue them. They'll become like sheep, gentle and soft, Or like gemstones in a crown, catching all the colors of the sun.  Then how they'll shine! shimmer! glow! the young men robust, the young women lovely! (9:14-17)

For the past few nights. the full moon has given off so much light.  Rightly so, it is called the Harvest Moon.  Named this for it gave the farmers extra time to work the fields at night before headlights were part of the norm. 

Alone.  The moon is unable to give off any light.  It takes the light of our sun being reflected from its surface to illuminate the world below.   

Standing at the kitchen window this morning, the sunlight brought my attention to them.  Strands upon strands of spider webs, clinging to the railing of the deck.  There would be great feasting upon the many bugs caught up in them.  The gentle breeze moving them, reflecting His light like diamonds.   Sparkling. 

Without the sunlight, I wouldn't have noticed them.  Without the sunlight, our moon would not stand out from the darkness of the skies. 

Without His Sonlight - my heart wouldn't be transformed, transforming, to where He has brought me today.  I wouldn't notice all of the beauty He has set before me.
Without His Sonlight reflecting off my heart,  my life and heart would be in darkness. 

These verses He has given me today are filled with the word pictures of His Light.  How exciting to see the display of His Glory face to face one day.  But until then, I am able to see it everywhere I look.  In His nature, His people, even in me. 

Slowly I am finally seeing that I am also one of His Masterpieces. 

Not because of anything I have done, only because of Him.  Only because He reflects off of me.  Only because of Him do I sparkle and dance.  Only because of Him am I "like gemstones in a crown, catching all the colors of the sun."  A gemstone in His Crown.

Only because of Him do I now,  "shine! shimmer! glow! a woman lovely!"

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