Friday, January 27, 2012

01/27/12 - Genealogy

Job 30-31

Job led a Godly life - and wondered "why him?" (Mat 5:45 keeps running through my mind of the rain falling on the righteous and unrighteous). As long as we live on this earth, no matter how closely we walk with God, there will always be some of the "fallout" affecting us. I am so thankful for His hedge of protection - to be under His umbrella that prevents "all" effects of sin to attack me. Even in Job - He put limits on satan.

Job makes me realize it isn't about the physical - it's about the spiritual battle. The battle for the soul. So like Job, no matter the damage to this physical life while on earth - I must as Paul says - not lose focus and finish the race. It again goes back to trust/faith/focus. TFF - no matter what.

And honestly, that can be scary to me. To lose all as Job did. And then I think of God. He who gave up His only Son for me. Again, my perspective is changed. As I think of myself, losing all I have (my family), I am scared, want to stop time. When I change and focus on Him - my Daddy - who gave up His "family" for me, I see love and yearn to be with Him. Focus - no matter what I go through will never be more than what He, Christ, and the Holy Spirit did for me.

I am thankful for how He is helping me relate - to see His Word as my genealogy. It is drawing me closer to Him. When I couldn't sleep this early am, I was going over the scriptures I had read and fell asleep between Joseph and Job. I love Joseph and all he is teaching me. I so look forward to meeting him and just listening to him. He has taught me it is "safe" to forgive and trust. To be vulnerable, because He will use it for His glory. I also was continuing to pray for the person He wants me to disciple. May I continue to watch through His eyes not mine.

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