Tuesday, January 03, 2017

"His Doves" - 01/03/17 - Genesis 8-11

"The flood got worse until all the highest mountains were covered—the high-water mark reached twenty feet above the crest of the mountains."(7:18)

"The floodwaters took over for 150 days."(7:24)

"He waited seven more days and sent out the dove again.
It came back in the evening with a freshly picked olive leaf in its beak.
Noah knew that the flood was about finished."(8:10-11)

I have always been amazed by the fact, after all of the earth was covered with the floodwaters for 150 days, the dove "came back in the evening with a freshly picked olive leaf". 

By all accounts, there shouldn't have been any vegetation.  I know there are times when floodwaters will cover trees and they survive, but not floodwaters of this multitude.  It reminds me once again how much our ABBA cares for us and provides. 

It is during the times of floodwaters, when we feel the whole of us is dying or dead, and He gives us a sign.  A dove so to speak. 

In the times of floodwaters when we feel we are drowning.  We look and see.  A dove holding a freshly picked olive leaf. 

In just a few days our Nichalas and Amber are heading back to Arizona.  How thankful I am these past few days He has taken time and made it crawl. He has taken this home and filled it to the rafters with so many parts of our hearts. He has blessed me in the making of  memory after memory to carry me through to eternity. He has remembered me. He has remembered us all.

I am not the only parent to feel this way in separating from their child.  I am not the only one who misses those who aren't with us any longer.  And if I look, His "doves" are all about and within me. 

He uses each of us, to bring comfort to one another as we journey through times when those we love aren't with us.  He uses each of us to give strength, encouragement, insight, to focus on eternity.  He uses the accounts of those in His Word who experienced the same emotions we do. 

Throughout each of our lives we shall suffer from "the floodwaters" of this world and we mustn't ever doubt or forget:

 He remembers and shares with us in our pain.  In our joy.  In our sorrow.  In our laughter.  In the all of us.

He is teaching me to make the most of my days here.  Not to fill them with self-pity.  With selfishness.  With pouting and wanting more.  He has taught me to take what I am given and use it for His Glory.  He is teaching me to take the blessing of this time and live life for Him.  To fill my moments with those He has put into my path and embrace life, instead of spending them yearning for those who are not with me.  To be His "dove" for others. 

Our ABBA never forgets us.  We are constantly reminded - this place is not our home.  Our journey here is but a blip in the eternity of our lives in Him.  But meanwhile, He always sends a dove with a freshly picked olive leaf. And we are reminded, as Noah was, "he knew that the flood was about finished".

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