Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"No Games" - 01/31/17 - Exodus 39-40

 "They stayed in camp, obedient to God’s command, as long as The Cloud was over The Dwelling, but the moment God issued orders they marched.
If The Cloud stayed only from sunset to daybreak and then lifted at daybreak, they marched.
Night or day, it made no difference—when The Cloud lifted, they marched. I
t made no difference whether The Cloud hovered over The Dwelling for two days or a month or a year, as long as The Cloud was there, t
hey were there.
And when The Cloud went up, they got up and marched.
They camped at God’s command and they marched at God’s command.
They lived obediently by God’s orders as delivered by Moses." (39:20-23)
Remember the game of "Simon Says"? Only if putting "Simon Says" at the end of the command were you to move. Otherwise, if you did move, you were out of the game. Sometimes though, "Simon" would cheat and claim he did or didn't say "Simon Says". Then it became a game of confusion and dissolved into arguing, hurt feelings - division. 

 During our time on this earth, there are so many things which come up that do not seem fair. Causing drama - hurt feelings - division. These are the times we need to focus on His face in trust and faith.  Remembering He is The One in control. satan is only trying to bully or sneak his way into the leadership role so we will follow his instructions.  he doesn't want any winners for God. To him it is a game and his whole goal is destruction.

To satan - we are just pawns. To him - this "game" is really between him and God. We are only tools he is using to hurt our ABBA in the way he knows hurts Him the most.

Because our ABBA.  He loves us that much.

Think about all the times satan inflects his evil on us, it is usually where it hurts the most. When he hurts us - it hurts our ABBA even more so.

Because our ABBA.  He loves us that much.

The people were to stay or march at God's command and they obeyed. Their eyes were focused on His cloud. They were always at the ready - "it made no difference—when the Cloud lifted, they marched."

How at the ready are we to march? Do we become so comfortable when He has us stay put for awhile, we lose focus and are not "at the ready". Is our heart so in tune in Him we are seeing every opportunity He places before us to be a disciple? While we are "staying", are we continually preparing to march? Or do we just sit back and enjoy our comfort zone taking our focus off of His face? 
We need to be fortifying ourselves at all times in His Word, for the spiritual war about us will not cease until our Savior comes again. The times when we go through the trials and tribulations of life, we need to remember that we are hopeless in ourselves. It is only through and in Him we make it out on the other side.   
For always and through all ways, we are able to lay hold of our Daddy. Our Daddy who is mighty and whose faithfulness surrounds Him.  We live knowing, without doubt, He is working out His purpose, a far greater purpose, than any one of us can conceive. If we will only keep our focus on Him and not "self", we will see His glory in all situations.

Regardless of if we are staying or marching, our lives are not a game to Him; our lives have an eternal purpose He is working out for our good and His glory.

Our ABBA.  Our Daddy.
One who doesn't play games.
Who doesn't lie, or cheat, or play favorites with His children.
A Daddy wanting each and every one of us to be His eternal winners.

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