Thursday, January 19, 2017

"Out From Under" - 01/19/17 - Exodus 4-6

"Then I will take you for My people, and I will be your God; and you shall know that I am The LORD your God, who brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians."(6:7)

When we are under the burdens, it is sometimes hard to focus on anything but that. 
When sometimes, our focus turns away from our ABBA.

I think about the lighthouse.  Standing firm.  Foundation running deep as it withstands the battering of the storm. 

I think about the great ship.  Plowing its way through the storm.  Held together with a wing and a prayer.

I think about the dark horizon.  The black clouds gathering and rushing towards where you stand.  And then to be carried away from you by His great winds. 

Sometimes, we need to stand firm.  plow through.  And sometimes, He allows the storms to pass around us. 

But always.  We need to remember He - The Lord our God - has brought us out from under the burdens. 
He has set us - His people -  free. 
To one day reside with Him in Heaven. 
Our Home where there are no storms.  There aren't any burdens. 

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