Saturday, January 21, 2017

"Where Is Your Heart" - 01/21/17 - Exodus 10-12


said to Moses, “Pharaoh’s not going to listen to a thing you say so that the signs of My presence and work are going to multiply in the land of Egypt."  
 Moses and Aaron had performed all these signs in Pharaoh’s presence, but God turned Pharaoh more stubborn than ever—yet again he refused to release the Israelites from his land." (11:9-10)

God gave us free choice from the very beginning.

Adam and Eve - free choice..........Can you say, "apples".

Have you ever wondered how horrible it would be to have a heart God would harden even more for His glory.  To be in a place where you have totally taken your free choice and decided God isn't for you.  To shut the door and throw away the key. Forever separated from Him.

 Just as He knows the heart of everyone, our ABBA knew Pharaoh's heart.  Better than even each of us do or Pharaoh did.  He knew Pharaoh was never going to come and submit to Him no matter how many plagues he went through. 

Pharaoh had a heart that was evil. 
He was of no good. 
Pharaoh made his free choice.
And as He does with everything,  our ABBA used it for His Glory.

Looking about today we see so many persons running rampant in the world spreading evil.  At times we may wonder where God is, why is this happening. 

We may even begin to doubt.
Doubt that He is in total control. 
Particularly while on this earth living with the consequences of our, and others, free choice.  And there are times when it isn't pretty. 

I think about the persons in The Bible who were of an evil heart.  Pharaoh.  Judas.  Jezebel.  Quite a few actually.  But, the most important thing about those with an evil heart - as long as they were breathing - they could make the free choice and repent.  For as long as there is a breath, there is hope to turn to our Savior and ABBA will take them.  
Even someone such as Judas who betrayed our Christ.

Also in The Bible and all about us, there are many who repented and turned their hearts to Him.  We have such hope in knowing unconditional Love is what ABBA is all about.  He doesn't want puppets or robots.  He wants us as we are created  - in His image.  He wants us to make the choice to love Him.  He desires us.  Not just wants, but "desires" each one with everything He is.

It is our free choice to what kind of heart He will be using for His glory. 

A heart that is in Him or out of Him. 
It is black and white - not gray.  There isn't any "sitting on the fence".  Our ABBA is Holy and can not be in the presence of sin.  It is only when we are "in" Christ, then we are made pure and Holy and able to be with Him.

It is our free choice.

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