Sunday, March 29, 2015

"Not One Word Failed" - 03/29/15 - Joshua 22-24

"Not one word failed from all the good words God spoke to the house of Israel. Everything came out right." (Joshua 21:45)

Have you found it is hard to determine whom is speaking truth? 

Even with self
truth is not spoken 100% of the time.
 Most often the lies we tell ourselves are more damaging than all other sources of lies combined.
It is amazing the power of words.
 At times when lies prevail, they seem more powerful than truth.
But, eventually truth does prevail

and in all ways.

What words do I stand firm on? Live my life by? Use for guidance? Obtain wisdom from?

Each day words from various sources bombard my mind, infiltrating into my being.
Do I offset the lies with His Truth?

 I must fill myself with His Words each and every day for they are a needed life/living support system.

 It is the only way I am able to know Truth.

No matter the situation - everything does come out right when I walk in His Truth. At times it may seem the lies are winning, but He really is in control.

There is an absolute freedom in knowing - 
The Truth has and always will
set me free.

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