Monday, March 16, 2015

"Only He Keeps Doubt Away" - 03/01/15 - Numbers 11-13

"Everybody we saw was huge. " (13:32)

They took their focus off of God and began to doubt. Their feet wouldn't move fast enough as they ran in fear away from God. They ran in their own direction, guided by their own advice. Everything that God had brought them through was thrown out of their faith bank.

satan and his tool of doubt.

satan wants us to believe our Abba isn't bigger than anything we come up against. That He isn't bigger than even our own mistakes. Our sins.

But He is.

Hindsight is 20/20. Think about all the giants, the mountains, that came into your path on your journey. At the time they seemed so large, there wasn't even a way to go around them, much less over them. And now when you look back, after being conquered, they lose their power of fear. Of doubt that you would make it to the other side. To the promised land.

While climbing the mountain in Phoenix, I had to stop and rest. It caused me anguish that my body was so out of shape. There were moments when I was flabbergasted that it wouldn't/couldn't obey a command from my brain. And at some points, I began to doubt if I would make it to the top.
It was during one of those rest times, as I looked out over the valley in worship of His beauty, His awesomeness, that I realized what was happening. He was slowing my climb down to His time so I would stop and see His majesty. To have my breath taken away, not only from the exertion of the climb, but also His paintbrush, His sculptures of nature. Because I was only able to look up during my climb, I was missing the view. That is what made the mountain seem smaller, He broke it up into sections. He took my mind off of the work of climbing the giant, to the vastness of His beauty surrounding it. He made that giant small - right there as I was on it.

In a way only He can do, He made me bigger than that giant. He wrapped me right up into His arms causing me to focus on Him and all He created for me to see and enjoy. Much like the giants, mountains in life. I am the one making them bigger than Him or me "in" Him. Because I am His - nothing can overpower us. We have and we will make it over the mountains, we have and we will cast down the giants.

Unless I choose to believe in the doubt satan cast before me.


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