Friday, August 30, 2013

"A Pinch" - 05/02/13 - 2 Samuel 24:1-25, 1 Chronicles 21:1-22:19

"I’m not going to offer God, my God, sacrifices that are no sacrifice.” (2 Samuel 24:24)

An emotional giver – that is me. 

I get caught up in the highs and feel like giving everything to save the world.  At least I am cautious and check out what I am giving towards.  Curt has helped me realize I need to pray about the issue and then follow His lead. 
I used to give monies until I felt a “little” pinch  because I didn’t have faith that He would provide.  Even when I knew, without a doubt, He provides.  During the downward spiral of the economy, our business has continued to grow.  Right now, we are so behind! 
We have finally comprehended that tithing isn’t only about the money, it includes our time and services too.  And now, we have grown more in living and believing everything is His.  He is getting us out of our "comfort zone" - to truly sacrifice. 

Before He transformed my heart, I did it for my glory.  I wanted that “pat on the back” and the recognition. 
Then God could have His glory. 
There is a saying, “you can’t out give God”.  I find this so true and so hard to live by during the times I slip back into gaining security in material things.  How foolish is that! 

Now I continue to strive to give, regardless of what is needed, what He has placed in our hearts for His family.

           Beyond that “little pinch”. 

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