Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"Marbles" - 03/19/14 - Deuteronomy 24-27

"And today God has reaffirmed that "You" (insert your name here) are dearly held treasure, just as He promised" (26:18)

He continually reaffirms.  Don't pick up doubt and believe the lies.  "You" are His - dearly held treasure.  Christ is living proof of that!  Promise!!

I read or heard something recently in regard to a man who had two jars, one filled with 365 (or 366 for the leap year) marbles.  Each day he would remove one marble and put it into the other jar, symbolizing another day he was blessed with.  Isn't it exciting knowing with each "marble" you are also given His affirmation that you - "YOU" - are His dearly held treasure!!!  What a great way to start each day - basking in His Affirmation - enjoy your "marble"!!!visit frecklefaceathome blogspot com

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