Monday, February 16, 2015

"Never Alone" - 02/16/15 - Leviticus 8-10

"Distinguish between the holy and the common, between the ritually clean and unclean."  (10:10)

In this world of darkness, I am so grateful when I encounter a brother or sister unexpectedly.  To be out of my comfort zone, look across the room at a stranger, and hear the Holy Spirit tell me - "your sibling". 

And you just know - without a doubt - that they too - are His child. 

It isn't because they dress like royalty, but they are clothed in Him.  There isn't a neon arrow pointing at them, but His Light radiates from within them.  They aren't surrounded by body guards, but His angels, His Spirit surround them.

It is because He lives within our hearts that people looking are able to distinguish us as holy.  It is because of His blood that I am covered and clean.  That is what makes us stand out in a crowd.  This is also why we are rejected, attacked, bullied, and ostracized by the world.  The way we are supposed to be - not of the world, but in the world.

We in Him are different.

I love to hear the "small world" stories that people share.  I love that no matter the distance from your comfort zone, He provides a family member to be there to encourage and lift you up.  Or to be there as a fellow warrior in the spiritual battle. 

To know that we are not alone. 

That He cares and loves us so much, He provides "family" as we go - as we live. 

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