Friday, November 06, 2015

"He Calls Me Friend" - 11/06/15 - Matthew 26, Mark 14

Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, “Hail, Rabbi!” and kissed Him.  And Jesus said to him, Friend, do what you have come for.”(Matthew 26:49)

He offered His cheek to be kissed.  Knowing.

I have always been amazed at this verse.  Jesus knew, He knew Judas was full of satan, yet called him, "friend".  He allowed him to kiss Him. 

All the while - He knew.

Each time upon reading verses pertaining to Judas, I would put him into a box all by himself. 
Until His Word taught me,
A sin is a sin.  Any and all sin separates us from God.
Yet Jesus willingly went in the act of Love to The Cross.  Forever bridging the gap sin causes between us and God. 
I never felt I was the same as Judas.  Yes, in my life I have sinned.  Many a time - and will continue - I am human.  The battle to serve God or self will not end until my last breath. 
But - I never felt I sinned on the level as Judas. 

And I have. 
And I will.
There are no levels of sin.

Again, I stand amazed at my Christ.  Knowing what He did - and still - He loved Judas.  He always reached out to Judas in love, grace, and mercy.  Judas rejected - not Christ.  And Judas was the one who sinned.  Not Christ. 

Then He puts into my heart and mind, "Deby, who are you not to extend love, grace, and mercy - to everyone.  Who has betrayed you in such a way that Judas betrayed me?  When did you go to The Cross?"

I fall to His feet - humbled.  I pray for those when looking at me to see Him - not me.  I pray for Him to remove any sin from my heart.  I pray I may be Christlike to all - and yet........

There are times when I hang on to the pride, bitterness and anger.  Knowing all the while it hurts my Daddy and delights satan.  A quote I heard awhile back keeps running through my mind, "Are you entertaining yourself with the sins that put Jesus on The Cross".   
Through the prompting of The Spirit, I am listening and heeding His urging more often than before.  I am finding sins I once submitted to distasteful as I am focusing on Him.  I am having faith He will take care of those who wish to cause me harm and no longer feel the need to defend myself.  I am seeing more of life through His eyes - the spiritual battle - and not taking things so personal, therefore making it all about me. 

I am growing in the freedom to "let go and let God". 
I pray for all to accept our Savior and walk on His bridge to our ABBA.
I am praying all may know He too is calling them "friend".
As He has and is calling me "friend". 
No matter the sin.

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