Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Putting on Shame" - 04/15/14 - Psalm 7, 27, 31, 52

"I trusted in the generous mercy of God then and now.  I thank You always that You went into action. And I'll stay right here, Your good name my hope, in company with Your faithful friends. (52:8-9)

There are times when I physically cringe.  When my path comes across someone from my past and I pick up and again dress myself in the garment of "shame".  I allow "shame" to cover up the transformation ABBA has taken and clothed me in.  Much like a ratty, dirty, old bathrobe. 

My mind becomes focused on the mistakes I made.  The places of sin I wallowed in.  The missed opportunities when I could have been a Vessel for Him and instead WAS (I stress WAS) a vessel for and of sin.  I focus on me, instead of my Savior.  My Savior who was hung on the cross and took upon Himself all - all - my sins.  All - all - of my shame. 

He did that so I could be ABBA's.  So I could live my life intimately "in" the world of ABBA.  My Savior took that old bathrobe and cast it aside. 

And then there I am, in certain situations, digging through the decay of garbage, retrieving the bathrobe of sin, and putting it on.  Hearing the words of lies.  Picking up "doubt". 
Rag pickers collect recyclable material from a garbage yard on the ...""

But then, my ABBA begins to speak.  Softly I hear His Voice, coming from my heart, where I have buried His Words.  I am cleansed from "shame", from "sin".  I am covered in His Blood. 

I am His. 
I am His Beloved.

He gently takes my face into His Hands, leading my eyes into His, where I drink in His Truth.  He surrounds me with those who are "in" Him, who see me in love.  Who see me as His.  Who have given me the gift of mercy, as they have been given mercy. 

And He removes the bathrobe of shame, casting it aside, revealing me, clothed in His Truth. 

One of the pieces of my heart, Julie Duffy, posted this the other day on Blog Through The Word.  So goes with all of the Psalms reading today!

"I heard this beautiful song by Jason Gray yesterday. What an awesome reminder that Christ died on the cross to make us new!

Now I won't deny
The worst you could say about me
But I'm not defined by mistakes that I've made...
Because God says of me

I am not who I was
I'm being remade
I am new
I am chosen and holy and I'm dearly loved
I am new
Who I thought I was
And who I thought I had to be
I had to give them both up
Cause neither were willing
To ever believe
I am not who I was
I'm being remade
I am new
I am chosen and holy and I'm dearly loved
I am new
I am new
Too long have I lived in the shadow of shame
Believing that there was no way I could change
But the one who is making everything new
Doesn't see me the way that I do
He doesn't see me the way that I do
"I am not who I was
I'm being remade
I am new
I am chosen and holy and I'm dearly loved
I am new
I am new
I am not who I was
I'm being remade
I am new
Dead to the old man, I'm coming alive
I am new
I am new
Forgiven, beloved
Hidden in Christ
Made in the image of the Giver of Life
Righteous and holy, reborn and remade
Accepted and worthy
This is our new name
This is who we are now..."

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