Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Spilling Over" - 04/24/14 - Psalm 43-45, 49, 84,85, 87

My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness.(45:1)

Everywhere my eyes fall upon, I am seeing it.  Spring is bursting out in His landscape.  My breath is taken away by His vibrant colors appearing in places where yesterday, there was only the stark, bare, darkness of winter.   The snow white blooms of the Bradford Pear mingled in by the purple of the red bud standing next to it - and I look in Awe.  The heavy yellow, purple, orange, red, blooms of the tulips and daffodils bob in the wind.  Their thin, green stems, standing firm as they hold up weight that defies their size.  A kiss of warmth in the winds He is releasing from His storehouse.  The snow white clouds dancing in the blue skies overhead.  The heat from His rays of sunshine becoming stronger each passing day.  Different tones of green rapidly disappear under the deck of my mower, the smell of fresh cut grass envelopes me.   How He shows off to us through His gift of spring. 

Spring is bursting its banks. 

Spring is spilling beauty and goodness.Spring HD Wallpaper 150x150 Spring Nature HD Wallpaper

I wonder - how is my heart?  Is it as the spring?  Is it still snuggled down in the comfort zone of warmth?  Is it so full of Him, it is bursting at its banks?  Or is it complacent?  How am I living for and in Him?  Is my life such, that when I am seen, it is Him that is bursting through?  Is each part of me spilling beauty and goodness of Him?  Am I Christlike in my love, my living?

His Love is bursting its banks.

His Love is spilling beauty and goodness. 

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