Thursday, April 03, 2014

"This verse" - 04/03/14 - Judges 10-12

"They just walked off and left God, quit worshiping Him." (10:6)


How do you ever come to this place - just walking off and quit worshiping Him? 

This verse hits me in such a way it leaves a hollow ache in my heart for those that succumb to the call of self and satan. 

No matter where we walk - we  never stop worshiping - it is either our ABBA or self and satan. 

This verse gives me peace and thankfulness.  Without a doubt, I know I am His and He is mine. 
I worship my ABBA. 

This verse gives me urgency.  Within moments, persons are brought to mind who have chosen to walk on their own, who live life for self and satan. 

This verse gives me desire to be His vessel, His Warrior, for the Divine Appointments He has set before me.

This verse gives me awareness to be on the watch for satan who roams the earth looking to devour.  An awareness that time is passing too soon, too fast and how am I using what He has given me.

This verse is a reminder to "Go as I live, making Disciples for Him". 

This verse - what does it give you.........

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