Thursday, October 08, 2015

"Never Alone' - 10/08/15 - Matthew 5-7

 "Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense His Grace."(6:6)

 Rain drizzled on my windshield as I made my way over the roadway in the darkness towards home.  Headlights illuminating the wayside, creating shadows running along beside me.  The voices of praise being sung to our ABBA filled the interior of the vehicle, but inside my head were the voices of doubt.  of fear.  of second guessing.  guilt.

 It is sometimes so easy to fall into the pit of "me", when I am "before God, just being there as simply and honestly as I can manage".  To focus on the doubt arrows satan is shooting at me. 

It was on that night a few years ago in the car He gave to me peace.  Alone, baring my soul and heart to Him, I felt completely vulnerable, recalling moments when I am not as He wishes.  But more importantly He showed me, He knows my heart. 

He knows my heart wants nothing more than to change into constant moments when my all is striving to be more like Him. 

It is often through the prayers mingled in within the notes of the worship music,  my thoughts are drawn back to His Truth.  It is often through the scriptures buried within my heart, taken out and used in my defense against the attacks of doubt from satan, from myself, my focus is returned back to Him. 

I find the times when I am alone, I am remembering more and more -  I really am never alone. 
He fortifies me.  He protects me.  His Words are The Truth.
He is within and around me.  My ABBA.  The Holy Spirit. 

We serve an omnipresent Lord.

"The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense His Grace."

"Breathing in His Grace.  Breathing out His Praise."

My bestest friend who has covered me with His Love. 
with His Grace.  with His Mercy.  with His Blood. 

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