Sunday, October 05, 2014

"We Are" - 10/05/14 - Matthew 4, Luke 4-5, John 1:15-51

This is Kingdom Come! (Luke5:35)

Last night was such a wonderful blessing.  Taking off around 3:30 with eight of my "sisters", we made our way to see Jason Gray, Unspoken, Lindsay Mccaul, and Carrolton on the "With Every Act of Love" tour in the big city of LaHarpe, IL.  Three vehicles caravanned on the highway stretched out ahead of us, blending into the same steel gray color of the skies above us, reminding me of solders marching single file, making their way.  Massive white clouds grouped together as far as the eye could see.   Traveling the back roads of my old stomping grounds, memories floated in amongst the present day conversations filling our car.  My eyes drank in the beautiful golden hues of the crops with their heavy offerings of grain, awaiting their turn under the combines. Areas once bare from vegetation, now crowded with fully grown trees. Where old homes once stood, no longer is any indication of them ever being there. New homes scattered in places where in the past were covered with dense underbrush and trees, or plowed and planted.

I was reminded again, nothing stays the same.  All is revolving.  All is ever changing. 

Except my ABBA. 

Except His Word.

In the verses He gave me yesterday, "Ignite" was the one Word I carried and tucked into my heart.  I was chewing on it throughout the day, wondering in what ways am I ignited for Him.  I know, without doubt, my passion is my ABBA.  I am so in love with all there is about Him and want to introduce all I am able - to Him.  I am passionate about His Living Word.  How it transforms, molds, leads, creates me into the woman He designed me to be.  I am passionate about celebrating living this life.  Desiring so much to be rid of the baggage I have picked up throughout my journey.  And I am.  Slowly, but surely.

My breath caught as I listened to the words of the first song preformed.  Again, in another set.  He spoke to me through the voices singing praises to Him - "Ignite the fire within".   My heart beamed as I knew He was speaking directly into me.  "Ignite". 

Throughout the evening we were blessed by the spoken words He gave the performers, in their testimonies, their thoughts, their teaching.  Jason (how ABBA is able to bond us into first names) in sharing his heart spoke about His Kingdom.  How we in Him are living now on earth His representatives of  His Kingdom, awaiting the day when He returns to take us Home to where He resides.  I sat wrapped in the surrounding of His and reflected on this.  How ABBA has blessed me with so many "tastes of Heaven" through His grace and mercy and forgiveness.  Through His Word.  Through the Holy Spirit who lives within me.  My comforter, my guide, my everything.  Few of the many benefits in accepting Jesus as my Savior.

I looked about me in the room, watching faces.  Beautiful.  Lovely.  Upturned faces.  All with their ABBA shinning through, as they drank in the songs of worship. Beside me sat my sisters.  Women whom I adore, love, grow from and with. 

My ABBA so lifts me up.  He so encourages me.  He so, so very much loves me.  How He does in so many ways bless me.  May I never take them for granted.  May I always be "ignited"

My sisters.  My brothers.  My family. 
"With Every Act of Love", we are part of "His Kingdom Come".
His Beloved.

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