Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"God"fidence" - 03/20/17 - Judges 6-7

"Get up and go down to the camp. I've given it to you. If you have any doubts about going down, go down with Purah your armor bearer; when you hear what they're saying, you'll be bold and confident." (Judges 7:9,10)

Doubt will lead to fear if you are not grounded in Him, in His Word.  Fear is one of satan's strongest tools and there are times we allow him to have a heyday with it in ourselves.  So often when we become doubtful,  God gives us the accounts of persons from His Word.  How encouraging the people He wrote about in The Scriptures are human just like we are.

In today's verses we learn even a mighty warrior of God doubts as Gideon did.  (upon reading the account of Gideon, we learn it wasn't just this one time.)

Through His Word God has also shows us how He gives courage to we humans and performs  miracles.

Gideon was told to go up against an "army that was spread out on the plain like a swarm of locust.  And their camels!  Past counting, like grains of sand on the seashore" (7:12).

With 300 men

And God.

That's the most important fact doubt - fear - causes us to lose focus on.  Just as Gideon had Purah his armor bearer, we have God and others He has placed in our lives to face the battle together - never alone.  When we refocus on this fact, when we walk in His Promise -

Fear runs from us.

I love God has proven time after time He already has beaten the enemy - and His own are on the winning side.

 If we look at our walk we would see how He has grown us immensely in facing down our fears.  We need to pray for His boldness.  We need to stop second guessing ourselves and know without a doubt - we are His.  He created us.  We need to stand behind His confidence. When we become busy second guessing, we are actually distracting ourselves from where/what He has told/ked us to do.  We, His children, are promised we will know His voice.  We have The Gift of The Holy Spirit living within us. 

I yearn to be like Gideon who right in the midst of the enemy camp, "When he heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation, he went to his knees before God in prayer. Then he went back to the Israelite camp." (7:15)

He had absolutely no fear there in the middle of the enemies camp. 

He placed God first - he didn't run to be in a "safer" place. 
He knelt right there and prayed. 
He knew without a doubt - without fear - he was in safety. 

Because he was in God.

 May we desire to always focus on that fact. know it. live it.
We are in God, exactly  like an island in the middle of the ocean. 
Always surrounded by Him.

I pray your faith in Him is helping to have your focus always on Him - not doubt/fear. 

On Him. 
So we may live believing,  no matter how rough or big the "ocean" becomes - He has us completely surrounded while riding life in the palm of His hand.

And may we trust - He is always in control - our souls are always safe. 

May we, His soldiers, live boldly and "God"fident - no matter where our steps shall take us.

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