Monday, March 06, 2017

"His Dearly Held Treasure" - 03/07/17 - Deuteronomy 24-27

"And today God has reaffirmed that you are dearly held treasure
just as He promised"(26:18)

As I sit and read His Word, I am able to hear the hail beating against the window and tin roof.  The wind is throwing itself against the house, at times causing it to shutter in the fight to withstand the force.  I can feel the vibrations of thunder as it rumbles through the air, lightening illuminating the trees leaning over until they look as though they will break. 

My mom called not too long ago.  They have and are sedating my grandma to help ease her discomfort in what is probably her last few days here on this earth.  Although her vitals are quite strong, amazingly so actually, it is her ability to breath due to the fluids filling up her lungs that is causing her to be unsettled.   

Each time I pick up His Word, I pray I am listening and will know what Wisdom He wants to bestow upon me through my reading.  I am sharing with you, there was much doubt that I would come away with anything upon seeing today's verses.  I listened intently as I read.  Not feeling The Spirit move within me as He does when I know I am listening to what He wants me to glean from. 

Until I came across, "And today God has reaffirmed that you are dearly held treasure
just as He promised"

"You are a dearly held treasure - just as He promised."

Throughout the all of "not making sense", of "death", of "pain", or "sorrow", of "joy", of "laughter".  Throughout the all of "all".

"We are His dearly held treasure."

He wipes the tears with His gentle hand.  He holds us close in His strong grip.  He reminds us of what treasures we are.  He reminds each one of us how He loves us through so many. 

This woman I will be journeying to see when the storms have passed, has loved me unconditionally from the moment of my conception.  This woman whom I have learned from, shared so much of living with, created many treasured memories.  This one whom I have called Grandma Jones. 

I am blessed with so many well worn notes, letters, cards she has written to me throughout the years.  All of which are carefully kept inside my keepsake box with my other treasures.  I have been blessed with a life of two precious grandma's well into my adult years.  But the words I hold dearest into my heart are the words we shared when speaking of our ABBA.  I know they never stopped praying for me as long as they were able. 

So in my sorrow, I am selfish.  When given a "Taste of Heaven" here on earth, we are very reluctant to give it up.  Even when knowing they will be face to face with our ABBA.  I think about how death must grieve our ABBA more than any other sin.  It wasn't part of His plan. 

But in His infinite Wisdom He gave us the gift of LOVE.  Through our Savior.  Through those we share living here with.  He gave us the gift of LOVE to help ease our sorrows.  our pain.  to help us endure the time of separation before we are all in Heaven.  Together.  Eternally.  For He conquered this sin called death.  In Heaven - it shall no longer have a sting.

He comforts each one of us.  "We are His dearly held treasure.  Just as He promised."


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