Saturday, July 09, 2016

"Living Him Outloud" - 07/09/16 - Amos 6-9

"People will drift from one end of the country to the other,
roam to the north,
wander to the east.
They'll go anywhere,
listen to anyone,
hoping to hear God's Word - but they won't hear it. (8:12)

So lost years ago.
What a dissolute way I went through life. 
His Word has/is transforming my heart.
How I love "living" life with/for Him.

No more drifting.  No more wandering.  No more living life without hope. 

Do we share His Word in our speech, actions, heart?  
Do we share Him in each step as we go?
Do we live His Word so others may hear, see, know Him?

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