Tuesday, September 12, 2017

"Eternally Brothers" - 09/11/17 - Nehemiah 12-13

"Their brothers stood opposite them to give praise and thanksgiving,

one side responding to the other, as had been directed by David the man of God."   


I love the relationship between Adam and Nichalas. 

Just sitting and watching them interact, drinking in the blessings of our fruits.

A few years ago, one weekend Nichalas flew home for the wedding of one of "the brothers".   Our hotel room had a loft, where Curt and I slept, with another bed downstairs.  There was also a pull out couch in the living room area. 

It made my heart smile, knowing the couch was not even an option.  The guys have never hesitated, or thought of it as abnormal, to sleep together.  Even with both now being married, when it is just the two of them, often they sleep together as they lay their and talk.  I love hearing their voices murmuring in the dark or their laughter often being the last sounds I can remember before falling into the world of dreams. 

When they were little and they had "brother" sleepovers, it was not unusual to come in the next morning and find all of them squeezed into one bed, or on the floor. 

They just enjoyed being close, they enjoyed being "brothers". 

I love going through photographs of years gone by and being reminded of all the joy and blessings this group of guys have brought - and still do - into my life.


These boys are now grown men,          


A few months before Lucas became a daddy, he joined Adam and Nichalas in playing video games here.  When I went down to wake them up, there they were, all three crowded into Adam's bed.  I love how all of them, who grew up together, are still so close.  That God is in the center of their relationships, that the world's evil doesn't come in and desecrate their relationship.  I love knowing, until they breathe their last breath, they will always be there for each other. 

Even though they aren't of the same blood, they are closer than most blood relations that I know.  They are there to encourage, hold accountable, support, honor, and love.  They are loyal and would die protecting each other and theirs. 

How our "family" has grown.  Today, half of these "brothers" are now daddies and I love knowing without a doubt, they are there for each other, spouses, and all other children we will be blessed with, in the years to come.  
They are brothers in the truest sense.  Through our ABBA, they are of one blood. 

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