Friday, September 08, 2017

"He Is Truth" - 09/08/17 - Nehemiah 4-6

 "There's nothing to what you're saying. You've made it all up."  They were trying to intimidate us into quitting. They thought, "They'll give up; they'll never finish it." I prayed, "Give me strength." (6:8-9)

it is said in Scripture satan is the father of lies.  his bag of tricks, will and does, include doubt and fear.  he wants us to believe in his condemnation that we can never be saved or good enough, over ABBA's word of Truth.  In Christ - we are Redeemed.  he wants us to believe we aren't able, strong enough, equipped, smart/talented, to carry out the mission ABBA has given us: 
To go and make disciples.  To live a life for and in our Christ. 
But there is one thing he will say which is truth. 
We are all he claims us to be,  if we are outside of Christ. 
It is when we are inside of Christ, he pounces. There are many stumbling blocks satan throws out onto our path, trying his best to get us to sit down, venture off in the wrong direction, to give up. 
It doesn't matter what ABBA has for you to do, satan will pull out his bag of tricks.  he wants nothing more than for you to not be a warrior for ABBA.

Unfortunately, there are times we will pick up the tricks he lays out before us and consider if they do apply to us.  There are times our attention will be diverted.  There are times when we throw out lame excuses to delay our mission ABBA has set up for us.  In the study, "Altar Ego", the author brings up Moses and how after God has told him he would be the one to free the Israelites, Moses throws back at God, "I can't speak well". 
I love how God shoots straight from the hip in His reply, "I AM who made your mouth". 

Our ABBA is so Awesome, He is able to use the "all" of us, good, bad and the ugly, for His Glory.  Our ABBA uses the strengths and weaknesses of us to help each other.  To grow relationships.  Just think about all the conversations Moses would have had with his brother Aaron, his interpreter.  Think about how often He has used you, or placed others in your life, whose strengths/weaknesses grew you closer.  To each other and to Him.  How when "in" His family, you grow together.  Stronger.  Wiser.  More intimate with Him.

Count it a blessing when attacked by satan.  It is a sign you are causing damage against him and he considers you to be a threat as ABBA's Warrior.  Have confidence in where and why ABBA has placed you as His Warrior during this spiritual warfare which is going on all about us.  Take comfort knowing our ABBA is bigger than anything satan will throw out.  Take courage our ABBA is always in complete control.  Stand firm in His Word, for "it comes about when all our enemies heard of it, and all the nations surround us saw it, they lost their confidence; for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God." (6:16)  Embrace the hope knowing our ABBA is not a trickster.  He is The TRUTH.

It is only through submitting to do things His way, relying on His Strength, we are able to continue on.  There's no stopping us when we rely on Him.   He gives to us His strength through The Holy Spirit, His Word, His family. 
Only then is the intimidation from satan seen for what it is. 
Just a trick. 


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