Friday, September 01, 2017

"We - His So Much Loved" - 09/01/17 - Daniel 9-10

"You had no sooner started your prayer when the answer was given. And now I'm here to deliver the answer to you. You are much loved!"(9:23)

"No sooner started". 

Your ABBA is always listening.  at the ready.  always.

He has your full attention.  Usually though, He is waiting.

Waiting for us to come to Him.  Desiring nothing more than the "all" of us. 

Our attention.  our heart.  our mind.  our soul.

And He always gives us an answer. 

After - He has let us know how much He loves us.

May not be the exact answer we are praying for.  He knows best, only He is able to see the whole paradigm.  He is God - not us.  Prayer isn't a dictation from us to Him instructing Him how to run things.  Prayer is to be a continual time of communication, baring our all before Him and leaving everything at His feet.  So we are able to be before Him naked and unafraid.  unashamed.

Prayer is a time to focus on how much He loves us, growing our faith in His ways.  Not ours. 

And most of all - it is a time to know - The Creator of all is listening and telling you

first and foremost -
"You are much loved!".

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