Tuesday, October 01, 2013

"Suspense Removed" - 07/05/13 - Psalm 47-49, 84,85,87

"And how blessed all those in whom You live,
    whose lives become roads You travel;
They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks,
    discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain!
God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and
    at the last turn—Zion! God in full view!"  (84:5-7)

I love "whose lives become roads You travel". 

Knowing because of my choice to walk with my Abba, no longer do I walk alone.  Not that I did, it is just now I recognize Him. 

I hate surprises.  The suspense of not knowing.  When I go to a movie, I like to know the ending beforehand.  Otherwise, the suspense ruins it for me. 

How He has taken that from me......becoming my security, my leader, my road map.  No longer am I wandering down the road of life - lost.  Exposed to the elements, the dangers - hidden and seen.  He is my protector.  My shield. 

He has told me the "ending" of my journey  - it is with Him - eternally.  No longer do I wander, I walk with confidence.  Knowing each step I take, is a step taken with and "In" Him.  Even when I take a wrong turn, because I have let go of His Hand and decided to take my own lead, He is still there.  Sometimes gently, sometimes with a push or pull, setting me back on the right path. 

He has taken the suspense of "not knowing" from my journey.  No longer do the "surprises" which pop up, frighten me or cause me to doubt.  Much of the time, they delight me, because I am focusing on Him, no longer on the fear of the unknown.  I am seeing my journey through His eyes and celebrating life "In" Him. 

Knowing - all things are for His glory - sharing "my journey" with Him. 

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