Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"At Home in Him" - 11/11/14 - John 14-17

"I've loved you the way My Father has loved Me. Make yourselves at home in My Love.(15:9)

Darkness had surrounded our home as we sat around our small table last night, empty plates pushed back, elbows on the table, leaning in towards each other, conversation from the hearts flowed about me.  One of our "kids" had joined us for our evening meal and we were playing "catch up".

Standing at the kitchen counter this past weekend, preparing food, another one of our "kids" walked behind me and opened up the fridge.  Taking out the lunch meats, cheeses, condiments.  Knowing which cabinet to go to for the plate, glass, utensil, bread, in the making of "just a sandwich to tide me over".

Our Adam, living here these past months, saving money, buying his first home, gutting, renovating, preparing to move in.  Nichalas and Amber, when back, staying in "their" room. 

Most every Wednesday night and one night every other week, His family settles in and we study His Word. 

This place.  He has taken it and is using it for others to feel at home in.  Even when persons aren't here, the memories of voices continue to fill it.  How many treasures I have stored up in my heart from the persons He has brought within these walls. 

And almost always, each one feels completely "at home". 

It is a place where one is able to be themselves, accepted and loved unconditionally.  He uses us to encourage, hold accountable, grow, and listen to many who walk through the doors. 

And He has given me this gift when I go before Him.

No matter where I am, what I am doing, I always feel "at home".  I know, without doubt, I am able to crawl up into His lap at any moment and He is always eager to receive me.  I know, without doubt, He desires to be with me. 

He desires this from all of us.

He desires, with everything He is, for each of us to feel completely "at home" with Him.  He wants us to cast aside all pretense, all fear, all doubt, and "be" with Him. 

I know this, without doubt, because He gave up His only Begotten Son, so I can be "at home" in Him. 

Such a beautiful message from our ABBA -

"Make yourselves at home in My Love".

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