Wednesday, May 06, 2015

"Divine Appointments" - 05/06/15 - Psalm 89, 96, 100, 101, 105, 132

"Keep your eyes open for God, watch for His works; be alert for signs of His presence" (105:4)

I love when my focus is totally on Him.  Wherever I look, whatever I think - it is all about Him. 
How marvelous is life when lived His way.

I love when I take my focus off of "me" and turn it upon Him.  I am able to see persons or things  He has put into my path as my "Divine Appointments" for the day, instead of grumbling "my" schedule has been interrupted. 
I am finding the more I am focused on Him, my senses are on overload and I am more and more aware of Him.  Each season He gives us, seems to be more beautiful than those in the past.  His paintbrush is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. Every where I look, the beautiful spring colors, the scents finding my nose causes my brain to respond in delight.
He has shown me through the newness of Spring He brings about such hope, joy, delight.  The freshness of the colors, textures, smells surround us.  Exactly as He does in our hearts through The Holy Spirit. 

Each day I pray to be aware of Him with all that I am.  To hear His Voice and heed His instruction.  I pray to be alert and at the ready for all Divine Appointments He has lined up for me.  I find those Divine Appointments are more often for my growth in Him, needed encouragement, a smile, or an opportunity to share Him. 

"Keep your eyes open for God, watch for His works; be alert for signs of His presence" (105:4)

What Divine Appointments has He lined up for you?

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