Monday, December 07, 2015

"The Dance Of His Talk" - 12/07/15 - Romans 11-14

"If the way you live isn’t consistent with what you believe, then it’s wrong."(14:23)

If asked do I believe, I will reply from the depths of my heart,  "Yes, I believe in The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, and His Word".   
Yet, do I 100% of the time "walk His talk"?

Unfortunately, "No". 

I do try. 

I am so thankful for His grace, mercy, and forgivness for the many times in which I slip.  
For those times when I am focusing on self, rather than Him. 
For those times when I get in the way of Him. 

Each and every day I pray for Him to use me. 
And each and every day He does. 
Even when I slip - He uses all for His glory. 
It isn't that I want to be lifted up for all to see, I find during His changing of me from the inside out  I am wanting more and more that my life is to be for His glory - not mine.  I find I do not want any moments of "slipping" because of how "in" love with Him I have become.

Each and every day I pray He will convict me when I am not "walking His talk". 
When I feel the need to seek revenge, stand up in defensiveness when wronged, to feel sorry for myself and attend the "mepityparty".  During the times I am acting on the feelings of doing it my way, regardless of who or whose feet I trample upon. 

Even when they are God's feet.

I can picture myself during the times I am  walking "my" talk.   
I see much slipping, falling, stumbling, sliding around.  It is totally uncontrolled - no matter how tightly I hang onto "self".  No matter how hard "self" tries. There is never a graceful rhythm about my steps.  There is only destruction.  Much like a new snowfall with the marks of an animal fight - their steps and blood have destroyed its' purity, its' beauty.

It is only when  I "walk His talk" the new snowfall of life holds the pattern of His graceful dance.

It is only then the untouched snow surrounding our steps reflect His light - sparkling as diamonds in the sun. 

His Son.

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