Monday, December 28, 2015

"With The Birth" - 12/28/15 - Revelation 10-13

"And she gave birth to a son, a male child" (12:5)

He stood at the end of the aisle this morning, carefully checking out the different hues of blues, silvers and whites.  The different forms, heights, fullness.  He was picking out the flowers he would be using to create table decorations for the engagement party being held this weekend in the celebration of he and Ashley. 

While reading this verse, my mind instantly went back almost 31 years to the moment I first saw our Adam through the nursery window.  They were holding him up as they wheeled me by on the way to my room.  I remember when they brought him to me, the first thing I did was stretch him out on the pillow laying across my body.  Marveling that almost 10 pounds, 22 1/2 inches of this little one had been inside of me just a few hours before.

There hasn't been one day of regret in the blessing of being a mom since February 18th in 1985 nor Nichalas on May 03, 1988.  It doesn't seem possible this many years have passed. 

We are so looking forward to celebrating the day he will become not only a husband, but daddy as well to Charlie and Ella.  I think about all the prayers, from myself and others, sent up in regard to our Adam.  For the woman we didn't yet know, whom our ABBA had chosen for him.  And smile today when I see our Ashley with him and know - without doubt - he is complete.  Just as Amber completes our Nichalas.

I see this young man who has waited what seemed to him a long while, for this time.  I have seen in his eyes he has yearned for ABBA to give him a wife and family to call his own.  To share the moments and seconds in living life, no longer alone.  I see the man whom our ABBA created him to be unfold before my eyes.  Standing up straighter, stronger, happier.  Accepting the responsibility of being the spiritual leader in this little unit he will call "his family". 

I praise our ABBA, for it wasn't just myself standing and watching him this morning.  I was sharing these moments with Ashley's mom, Dawn.  There is such a relief knowing if something were to happen to us, this woman, this family, is loving Adam as their own.  Just as we have come to love Ashley.  Charlie.  Ella.  Amber.  It isn't about the blood flowing through our veins, it is the blood of our Christ connecting us.  For eternity. 

It is not only our two families, but extended family and friends as well, giving their gifts of love.  Working to prepare for the engagement party this weekend and then the big event on our lawn in July.  Their celebrating with us during the time leading up to when they become husband and wife.  I rejoice knowing Adam and Ashley will be passing the gift of our ABBA onto their little ones, as we and Ashley's family have passed onto ours.

Our ABBA has answered these prayers more wonderfully than I can comprehend. 
From the birth of my sons, I am so richly blessed.  Over and over continually.  Eternally.
Praise to our Almighty Father.  Because of His Son whom Mary gave birth.       

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