Sunday, March 13, 2016

"With My All" - 03/13/16 - Deuteronomy 5-6

"Love God, your God, with your whole heart:
love Him with all that's in you,
love Him with all you've got!" (6:5)

How very blessed I am. So thankful.

I just absolutely love God. He is my bestest friend.

It has been through being "in" His Word, that I have fallen completely,
head over heels,
in love
with Him.
I find I can not stop thinking about, talking about, looking for, listening to - Him. 

It wasn't always like that.
For too many years, I chose not to have anything to do with Him.
Sadly, even today - there are times I revert back to being childish and follow "my" way.
But, throughout all of my wayward times, I never stopped loving Him. Even when in my darkest time - I still loved Him. Just not in the right order. I was more about getting my cake and eating it too.
He helped me discover - I wasn't "in" love with Him. 
And there is a big difference this loving Him and being "in" love with Him.
Big difference. 
Being "in" love with Him has given me an intimacy I had never before shared with Him.
God has given us instruction to study and know His Word for a reason. Only He is God, only He can see the whole paradigm and only He knows why it is essential to follow His way.
And even while knowing all this - there are moments I still rebel and try to succeed living "my" way.

I emphasis "try", for my way never works out.  Never.

 In the years of studying, I have come to the conclusion there are only two gods in this world. It is either God or self. And He has given us the free choice whom to follow. The other things that are called 'gods" are actually only the things we place before God to serve self.
Which is what I struggle with every day.  And each and every day I thank Him for His Grace and Mercy.

And whyever do I struggle so. 
Not only in Scripture, but in my life, it is proven time after time - His way is the right choice. I can see in my life and see His blessings or I can see where I followed "self" and it went all wrong. How thankful I am that He is bigger than my choices. That He is bigger than my messes. That He is my superglue.

All I have to do is follow His way.
Just strive to love Him with my all -
before "me" and "my" all.
"And this is what will happen: When you, on your part, will obey these directives, keeping and following them, God, on His part, will keep the covenant of loyal love that He made with your ancestors;
He will love you,
He will bless you,
He will increase you."(Deuteronomy 7:12-13)

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