Wednesday, June 08, 2016

"Each Day" - 06/08/16 - Proverbs 22-24

"Listen carefully to My Wisdom; take to heart what I can teach you.
You'll treasure Its sweetness deep within; (22:17)

I am sitting here with the windows open, able to hear His Voice in His nature.  I can hear the mournful call of the doves drift in and out amongst the sound of the other birds singing their welcome to this new day.  The tree frogs are singing in joy, defying their tiny size with their loud chorus.  His cool, refreshing breeze comes in and touches my senses.  How I love the clean smell of Him. 

I receive the peace and joy in the gift of His Word in these early morning hours.  The world still in slumber as the sun rises up overhead to begin another new and beautiful day.  How His nature rejoices.  How my heart opens up and receives - Him. 

 "Treasuring His sweetness deep within".

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