Sunday, June 26, 2016

"Peace Eternal" - 06/26/16 - I Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 18

"They enjoyed three years of peace"(I Kings 22:1)
The heat hit my body as I stepped outside through our kitchen door.  I had noticed the apricot colored sky from the living room window and decided to walk out of our little valley to check out the sunset.  As I continued down the road a bit, I was left breathless by the colors our ABBA had splashed across the sky.  The clouds spread out in just the right places.  My ABBA never disappoints, when I stop to look at all of His artwork throughout this world. 
The passing cars under the overpass broke the stillness surrounding me.  It was so peaceful out this evening.  Drips of water from the brief shower clung to the grasses along the road.  I thought about how blessed my life is.  How full my heart is.  I thought about how I love having the peace that surpasses all understanding within and about me. 

He often lifts my soul by the beauty of His paintbrush.
How thankful I am He has created me with the awareness of His nature and the sense to stop and see Him in it. How I delight in seeing the blue skies with white clouds running after each other. The leaves dancing in delight to the music of His wind. 
 And His colors!
The different shades of greens throughout the woods with a pop of color from His flowers. His shadows creating depth.
 I so love the time when I am still and know He is - my "I AM". 
 My ABBA. 
I so thank Him for The Fruits of The Holy Spirit, "love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control".  (Galatians 5:22-23)
I so thank Him how nothing in this world can take those from me - they are mine to cherish and allow to surpass any situation.
I so thank Him knowing these moments of total peace are not just moments.
For "in" Him,  they are eternal.
*Sunset photo by my little sis, Teresa Jones DeWitt.

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