Monday, April 09, 2012

Overlooked - 1 Sam 1:9-4:12

I am greatly ashamed for the many times that I have read about Hannah and did not recognize her as the strong and great woman of God that she was earlier. One of the many great blessings of rereading His Word each year is how He has helped me in "getting to know" those I had often "skimmed" over. I wish that I could have spent time with her, to know more about her.

The blessings I receive from the little I do know, are amazing. She first captured my heart with who she turned to in her pain - God. She never turned inside and lashed out at the injustice that she endured. To live as a barren woman in those days was one of the greatest types of shame. She was looked at as a complete failure. And yet, how her husband, Elkanah, loved her.

Her first great love though is God.

"Hannah was praying in her heart, silently. Her lips moved, but no sound was heard. Eli jumped to the conclusion that she was drunk." (1:13) "The only thing I've been pouring out is my heart, pouring it out to God."(1:15) How often do I pray to God in such a way? Do I take the privilege that prayer is and take it for granted? How often does it look to God as though I am drunk - because I am pouring my heart out to Him. How often do I hold back bits and pieces that I feel He won't like, won't accept, won't find important or won't change? How often do I forget He desires to hear all of my heart.

I look upon her with great admiration and respect. She loved God so much that she vowed to give Him back her son if she were to be blessed with one. And she did. Jewish children were usually five years old when they were weaned. That is probably how old Samuel was when they left him with Eli the priest - to live.

I look upon her with great admiration and respect. When I picture the separation, I don't see Samuel smiling and waving goodbye. I envision tears and fear as he stood beside a man, Eli, whom he did not know. I envision a little boy watching his mommy and daddy leaving him. Could I have done this? We lost two babies which I think is one reason I have hung on and cherished Adam and Nichalas so much. But, at times I have been very guilty in placing my worth in being their mom, in loving them more than God.

Hannah left with a song -

1 Samuel 2:1-10
1 Hannah prayed: I'm bursting with God-news! I'm walking on air.
I'm laughing at my rivals. I'm dancing my salvation. 2-5 Nothing and no one is holy like God.....

The boy Samuel stayed at the sanctuary and grew up with God.(2:11)

Hannah left with a song.

I look upon her with great admiration and respect. A child's character and personality are "formed" by the time they are five. It says so much about Hannah as a mommy in the man that Samuel grew up to be. We only know for sure that she saw him once a year when they went to make sacrifice, no other time is written about. God blessed her with other children, but none can take the place of the other. We know that Samuel lived in Ramah when he was older, I like to assume that he was spending time with his family.

I gain much wisdom and strength from Hannah. With Adam living in Liverpool, NY and Nichalas and Amber in Chicago - possibly Phoenix, Az, I draw comfort in Hannah's focus. It was totally on God. She didn't fall into a pity party for not being able to spend more years with Samuel - she was thankful for the time she had. She turned to God in her great pain and drew strength and comfort from Him. By doing that - she had peace and joy.

Joy in a situation that I would be in tears. I pray that I may be the mommy Hannah was. I pray that our children and generations to come will be known as Samuel -

"Samuel grew up. God was with him...Everyone...recognized that Samuel was the real thing—a true "child" of God."(3:19-21)

From Hannah I have learned how to have a song in my heart.....always.


Julia said...

Words and people of truth and strength.That is what is so awesome about His Word. As we grow in our walk with Him the words give new meaning to us. The verses I read now did not ring true before I was a mother, but now they strike a loud chord in me.
It is a blessing as mothers that we are sharing the message His Word is speaking to us. Much like Naomi and Ruth's kinship we can learn from each others counsel and share with others. Thank you again Deby for bringing us all together! You are a blessing!

deby said...

Through Him! And thank you - blessing of mine............