Monday, February 08, 2016

"Enough" - 02/08/16 - Exodus 28-29

"Slaughter the ram and take its blood
and throw it against the Altar,
all around."(29:15)

All the blood - all the oil. The beauty of The Sanctuary - all the gold - their clothes - covered with blood and oil.

While reading, I keep thinking back to the Garden of Eden. The beauty, perfection before sin came into the picture.

It saddens me The Blood of Christ  had to be "thrown" against sin so I may be with Him.
It saddens me how our free choice causes His Beauty to be covered with sin.

For that is what we are - created in His image.
His Beauty.

Again, how very thankful I am for my Savior - who in His death and resurrection - "threw His blood against the alter" for me.  For all who accept Him as Savior.   How thankful I am because of our Savior's Sacrifice -  in our ABBA's eyes - we are then seen as His Beauty.

Because He loves me.

His one time sacrifice is enough.

No greater love.

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